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Tips on How to Maintain Your CPAP Machine

There are many good reasons why you may need to use a CPAP machine. It can keep you breathing right through the night so you can get a good night’s sleep.

As a CPAP machine owner, you have some responsibilities on your plate. It’s important that you keep your machine clean and working properly. You may be looking for some ideas and tips as to how you can improve your CPAP equipment experience. Here you can review some tips on how to maintain your CPAP machine so it stays working for you. 

Get on A Regular Cleaning Schedule

It’s essential that you keep your CPAP machine clean and free from residue. You should make it a point to get on a regular cleaning schedule for your machine. Ideally, you should invest in a proper cpap machine cleaning kit so you can keep it clean and functioning properly throughout the years. If you fail to properly clean your machine it can lead to unpleasant odors and buildup. In this case, you may be more prone to illnesses and infections. There are both daily and weekly cleaning schedules that you should adhere to. If you are going to keep your CPAP equipment clean then invest in CPAP Soap that’s made specifically for these machines. 

CPAP Equipment Cleaning Tips

Always use  CPAP Soap for cleaning your equipment. There are many benefits and upsides to doing so. For example, it’s a gentle formula without any toxic ingredients. If you use just any soap or cleaning agent you may be more prone to allergies or skin irritations. It’s also a way to maintain better hygiene with yourself and your CPAP equipment. The other benefit is that CPAP Soap is fragrance and alcohol-free. This will help ensure a better experience for you when using your machine. 

You can avoid getting into contact with harsh chemicals that can be damaging to your health and skin. You can also reduce the risk of infection and other illnesses when you use a soap specially designed to clean CPAP equipment. Another benefit is that you can prolong the life of your machine. This will help prevent an early replacement of your machine. You will also notice that you are more comfortable and sleep better at night when you keep your machine properly cleaned and working optimally. Be glad to know that there is a CPAP cleaning kit you can purchase to help you keep your machine properly running and free from any buildup. 

Be sure to Store it Properly

Another tip on how to maintain your CPAP machine is to be sure to store it properly. You don’t want to leave it out in the open air for too long. You should remove the parts, clean them, and have a proper storage solution for your machine. Having a suitable storage solution for your CPAP machine is essential in preserving the integrity of your CPAP machine and part when not in use. 

If you’re going to store your equipment properly then make sure you have a place that is dry and free from any moisture. Storing your equipment properly can also prolong the lifespan of your CPAP machine. If you’ll be traveling at all then invest in a proper carrying case or bag to keep it safe during your adventures. You’ll compromise hygiene and may cause mold growth if you choose to store it in an airtight bag. 

Learn to Troubleshoot Common Issues 

If you’re going to maintain your CPAP machine then you should learn how to troubleshoot common issues. Your first order of business is to make sure you have a working outlet and that your CPAP machine is plugged in. You should also get in the habit of checking for leaks in the mask or tubing. If there are leaks present it may cause the equipment to work less effectively. 

Another item to troubleshoot is the air pressure. You want to avoid breathing in too much air at night which can lead to bloating or gassiness. Adjusting the air pressure can help with breathing levels. You want to make sure that your mask fits right and isn’t too tight. Be sure to clean the mask daily and take it apart and clean the various items weekly. If you’re still having trouble maintaining your CPAP machine, keep in mind that you should always consult with a sleep specialist or doctor. 

Change & Clean Filters

Part of your job in cleaning your CPAP machine should be to change and clean the filters. This will provide you with a better CPAP machine and breathing experience overall. In most cases, you’ll want to replace the filter every 15-30 days, but be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for care of your equipment. It all depends on the environment that you’re in. You might want to change it more frequently if you’re in a dusty environment. There are both washable filters and filters that are disposable and that you replace. This is an important step that shouldn’t be overlooked. If you have washable filters then rinse them with water once a week and let them dry before returning them to the machine. If you’re working with disposable filters then you should keep an eye on them and replace them every month. 

Keep Out of Direct Sunlight

You never want your CPAP machine directly exposed to sunlight. Therefore, store it in a place that is kept out of direct sunlight in your home. Once again, using proper storage techniques will help prolong the life of your CPAP machine. You should make it a point to keep your CPAP machine in a dry environment that’s free from moisture, sun, dust, or other contaminants. 

Allow Adequate Drying Time

Another way to maintain your CPAP machine is to allow for adequate drying time after you clean the filters and equipment. This will help you avoid moisture and buildup. It’s essential that you clean your machine to keep it working properly but that you also let all the parts dry before putting it back together. 

Use Distilled Water

In some cases, your CPAP machine may contain a humidifier. If this is the case then you don’t want to use just any type of water to clean it. Instead, choose to use distilled water that can help prevent mineral deposits in your machine. 

Never Use Bleach

You should make it a point to never use bleach to clean your CPAP machine and accessories. Instead, invest in CPAP Soap which is a non-toxic and gentle formula that can be used on your equipment without causing any issues or damage to it. There are also cleaning kits that you can invest in and use to help you maintain your equipment. 

Additional Tips

There are some additional tips that you should take time reviewing if you want to properly maintain your CPAP machine. For starters, water leaks may damage the machine. Therefore, always remove any water from the humidifier chamber before moving the machine. Also, get in the habit of removing any unused water from the humidifier chamber in the morning and replace it with fresh distilled water before you reuse the machine. 

Looking to prolong the life of your CPAP mask? Then be sure to remove and wash any makeup or oils from your face before you place it on your face for sleeping. You want to make sure that your headgear is properly adjusted for best use. In this case, make sure it fits right, and then mark the straps using a permanent marker so that you can always get it in the right place before using. Avoid mask leaks by not pulling it too tight or having it on too loose. 


Being in charge of maintaining a CPAP machine is no easy task. There are a lot of moving parts and to-dos that you need to adhere to. The truth is that you can’t ignore these important steps or you may be causing more harm than good to your breathing and body. It’s important that you keep your CPAP machine clean using CPAP-formulated soap and sticking to a regular cleaning routine. This will help you have the best possible experience using your CPAP machine at home. You now know some useful ways to maintain your CPAP machine properly so it stays in good working condition. It’s wise to apply these tips so that you can get a restful night’s sleep. You want to make sure you’re creating the best experience possible with your CPAP machine and these tips and advice will help you achieve this goal.

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